Protect Your Kids from Hidden Hazards at Home
When it comes to kids 12 and under, the most common causes of non-fatal injuries are falls, being struck by or against an object, cuts, burns, and poisoning. Of those, the most deadly include suffocation, drowning, and being struck by or against an object (like a bookshelf).
Of course, you can baby-wear your little cupcake until he’s 12–that would keep him safe. Or, you can save your shoulders (and side-glances from strangers), and take these steps to protect your little ones at home. Sure, children always invent new ways to injure themselves, but if you take the right measures, you can reduce the risk of many injuries.
This blog will be the first in a series that’ll walk through your house, room-by-room, and help eliminate its biggest hazards. So, you’ll be able to sleep better at night–you know, the deep, pleasant sleep any parent of toddlers can enjoy…. oh wait…nevermind. Well, at least home hazards won’t be keeping you up